Saturday, May 17, 2008

We are all one happy family

Well to ease our troubles tristen and his friends cooked us a wonderful dinner and we all sat swapping climbing stories. Still wondering what is happening to nick but a little more hopeful then before. Aparently nick is in Botswana and is in the hosptiality of high ranking members of the country, residing on president rd. Nick is being escorted around in style between bars and safaries. Nick texts Tristen that he has arriving at 3 o'clock the following day and that everything is alright. We are enjoying ourselves aswell. We know we have to get Bill at the airport the next morning early, so we hit the hay exausted but optimistic about tomorrow. Luckily Bill is waiting for us happily eating fruit at a nice eatery. SO we have a day to kill. We head down the cape early so far all we have seen of South Africa is bustling modern city, houseing projects, third world bungalos made of corigated metal sheets. THis is crazy I have never seens such a place. Happy to get out of the urban areas we head south along the ocean scurting table mountain. Huge sand stone cliffs line the ocean where massive waves break along the pristine shore. Passing small fishing towns we make our way south. Changing the radio constantly cause the music here sucks. But we are happy no music could change that. We arive in Simons town a touristy town that hosts a colony of penguins. After enjoying the sites food and penguins we head further south. The landscape is so bizare down here. ocean on both sides with massive towering domes of chossy rock and bushes capped with mist that appears in thin air. further south still. Well actualy i'm making this sound like we drove a long way but in actuality the end of the cape is only an hour south of Cape Town. But anyways down the cape we go. We get out of the car a walk up the ridge to the light house down below a thousand feet, waves slam against the coast on all sides but north obviously. This is great at the end of the world with every language being spoken around us. Its getting closer to 3 when nick gets in so we head back to the airport. on the way back we take the eastern coast through surfing towns. Eventually we are just south of the airport but we can't figure out how to get across the 3rd world country the sprawls for ever infront of us. These are called townships. In reality this is not the safest place we could be, but this isn't our concern we are just trying to get accross. none of these roads are on the map. So we head through the townships. I have never seen a place like this. People walking everywhere cooking on the side of the streets. small little bungalos same corigated houses,20 by 20 feet. SO crazy. so many people everywhere. everyhouse is thrown together and everyhouse is every color you can imagine bring yellow,marine, easter green every color and all right on top of eachother with people pouring out of ever door way washing clothes cooking food playing soccer. so i guess bad things happen here but during the day your more or less ok. but we made we are alive. so now we are all together we have booked a place to stay for tomorrow night in montegu which is our next destination. until then cheers as they say here.

1 comment:

Christophe said...

Now it is time to get some climbing done.