Tuesday, June 3, 2008

sending hard in the rain

the super classic highball 'Creaky heights v4'

Sent a v10 called 'no late tenders'. ALso did my first V8 flash 'dirty lies'. and another v8 seocnd go called maniac. This place is just stacked with the best line. You can climb all day on the best problems. The only down fall around here seems to be the weather. Its been a bit rainy here and there and you just got to jump out on the boulders when the sun shows up. SOme times it will rain and rain all morning and then all of sudden it will be sunny and everything is dry and you can go out bouldering. So we have been getting a lot of bouldering in including some sport climbing. Went and worked on a Todd Skinner route 'factor 15' 13a. The thing is amazing i'll have some photos next time i post. It climbs this beautiful over hanging arete way up high on a kloof (as the say here) over looking the wild rocklands landscape. just awesome. But the rain, well i've been resting a lot and climbing hard when I can. Tony Lamiche and Isa showed up a few days ago, they are staying in the farm house down the road. Soon some more american will arive and stay in the farm house. Daniel and Lisa and Wills. I'm not sure who else is coming. With all these guys crushing hopefuly some of it will rub off on me. Well i bet diner is ready. Peace.

1 comment:

Kush Khandelwal said...

Hey dude, finally found your blog again. SA looks rad! Looks like you are finding your groove..right on! I went to boulder, co last weekend to hang with a friend and climb in the nearby areas. it was sweet! keep up the posts and the pics. tc, kush